Saturday, 26 April 2014

Roadside locations...great when it's cold

Sometimes it's just not convenient to haul models and stuff to locations.In Toronto I became somewhat of an expert at the "side of the freeway" nature shot.There was always a small bit of green space that could double as any place you wanted it to be.Right off the D.V.P. is a rolling bit that looks like the south of France.You need to be careful with your sightlines.. but it works quite on Hornby I am not stuck for locations.But some days it's cold and I don't want to travel at munches up the wardrobe.
So I am up to the old roadside shots again.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

How things are here...

I am facing the challenges of styling a shoot on a small gulf island.

Next week  I am doing a group shot of about eight women , including one gorgeous drag queen. I  trust  the drag  queen will have amazing wardrobe. God love her for that.
 Probably everyone involved has amazing stuff...I just don't know how it will all work together in one big shot.Will learn that on the day.
That's how things are here on Hornby Island.
I am not really in control of the whole thing.

Sort of weird , but I like it.
A few images...


Friday, 18 April 2014

sometimes I love schmaltz

Light hearted bon-bon stuff. Over sweet tea and Turkish delight.
Sentimental and cloying.
We all have our Achilles heel.
Good to clear it out of my system before I attempt a real shot.

I feel a bit naked sharing my fetish for schmaltz.But I love it in small doses.
Like Victoria magazine, it appeals to some mush brained part of myself.
Super-sweet and harmless like those pom-poms some women sew onto on drapes.